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From: Matias Capeletto (matias.capeletto_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-05-24 10:30:46

Boost.Misc, (M)ulti (I)ndex (S)pecialized (C)ontainers, is in SoC 2006!
I want to thank boost mentors for trust in me, I will work very hard!
Good luck to the other applicants! (accepted and rejected ones)

I have set up some online resource to start my project.

MC++ Blog [ ]
This is my blog, and I will use it to post no so technical information
about the project.

Online Docs [ ]
The original proposal docs will be filled with new stuff during the
project. The idea is that in the end it will be the user manual, a SoC
project related information repository and library history reference.

Discussion Group [ ]
In order to avoid polluting the boost developer list, I have created a
group where to discuss technical details about the project. Please
join the group if you are interested in the project, I will really
appreciate your comments. When a thread is interesting enough I will
post it here for a deeper and broader discussion. I have already post
my mentor ( Joaquin Lopez Muñoz) questions and my responses to start

boost rocks!
Best Regards
Matias Capeletto

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