Boost : |
From: Gennadiy Rozental (gennadiy.rozental_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-05-28 00:14:33
"David Abrahams" <dave_at_[hidden]> wrote in message
>>>> and I don't have spirit to replicate the error.
>>> So download it. It takes about ten seconds over a fast connection.
>>> Or don't, if you don't want to look at this problem.
>> I don't even know where to look for it.
> I gave you the exact command to launch that test. What more do you
> need?
I do not know the location of spirit
>>> But my question remains: why is that function in a header when it
>>> could be compiled into the library? Seems pretty inefficient, at
>>> least for Boost, which runs many many tests using your library, to
>>> compile that function body over and over.
>> IT'S NOT. Why are you so sure it's my problem?
> W.R.T. the above paragraph, I'm sorry. I must've mis-analyzed the
> situation. I don't think the crash is your problem exactly; it's
> surely a codegen bug. However, I believe it's in your power to work
> around the bug.
At the moment I do not see why you came to this conclusion. I do not see
indication this could/should be addressed in Boost.Test sources.
>> P.S. I do have an access to borland 5.6.4. And I do not have any
>> problems compiling with it.
> The only compile-time problem here is in the compiler. You can only
> experience that problem at runtime :)
According to metacomm regression tests run all my unit test that supposed to
work for this compiler work. And I don't know about any runtime problems
with specifying CLA either.
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