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From: Rene Rivera (grafikrobot_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-07-19 16:05:17

Boost Inspection Report
Run Date: 20:04:57 UTC, Wednesday 19 July 2006

An inspection program <>
checks each file in the current Boost CVS for various problems,
generating this as output. Problems detected include tabs in files,
missing copyrights, broken URL's, and similar misdemeanors.

  11601 files scanned
  900 directories scanned
  241 problems reported

Problem counts:
  0 files with invalid line endings
  0 bookmarks with invalid characters
  3 invalid urls
  144 broken links
  28 unlinked files
  14 file names too long
  38 files with tabs
  14 violations of the Boost min/max guidelines

  algorithm (1)
  archive (1)
  assign (1)
  boost-root (6)
  build (12)
  date_time (1)
  doc (3)
  filesystem (37)
  foreach (1)
  graph (15)
  iostreams (2)
  iterator (8)
  jam (1)
  libs (6)
  math (6)
  more (32)
  numeric (4)
  program_options (1)
  ptr_container (1)
  python (5)
  quickbook (4)
  range (1)
  regex (1)
  regression (13)
  test (55)
  tr1 (1)
  type_traits (1)
  typeof (16)
  xpressive (5)

  *R* invalid (cr only) line-ending
  *A* invalid bookmarks, invalid urls, broken links, unlinked files
  *N* file names too long
  *T* tabs in file
  *M* uses of min and max that have not been protected from the min/max macros

    *A* unlinked file

    *N* filename > 31 chars


    *A* broken link: doc/html/foreach.html
    *A* broken link: doc/html/typeof.html
    *A* broken link: doc/html/xpressive.html
    *A* broken link: libs/filesystem/doc/convenience.htm#basic_recursive_directory_iterator
    *A* broken link: libs/wave/doc/index.html
    *A* broken link: sorted_erdos_renyi_generator.html

    *A* broken link: ../../../doc/html/jam/language.html#jam.language.flow_of_control
    *N* filename contains more than one dot character ('.')
    *N* filename contains more than one dot character ('.')
    *N* filename contains more than one dot character ('.')
    *N* file's directory depth will exceed 8 levels if placed on a CD
    *N* filename contains more than one dot character ('.')
    *A* broken link: ../../../doc/html/bbv2.html
    *A* broken link: ../../../doc/html/bbv2/installation.html
    *A* unlinked file

    *A* unlinked file

    *N* filename > 31 chars
    *A* unlinked file
    *A* broken link: index.html

    *A* invalid URL (hardwired file): file://?/
    *A* invalid URL (hardwired file): file://?/UNC/
    *A* broken link: convenience.htm#basic_recursive_directory_iterator
    *A* broken link: exception.htm
    *A* broken link: operations.htm
    *A* broken link: operations.htm#Do-the-right-thing
    *A* broken link: operations.htm#is_directory
    *A* broken link: operations.htm#is_file
    *A* broken link: operations.htm#status
    *A* broken link: convenience.htm
    *A* broken link: fstream.htm
    *A* broken link: operations.htm#create_directory
    *A* broken link: operations.htm#create_hard_link
    *A* broken link: operations.htm#current_path
    *A* broken link: operations.htm#directory_iterator
    *A* broken link: operations.htm#equivalent
    *A* broken link: operations.htm#file_size
    *A* broken link: operations.htm#initial_path
    *A* broken link: operations.htm#is_file
    *A* broken link: operations.htm#is_symlink
    *A* broken link: operations.htm#status
    *A* broken link: operations.htm#symlink_status
    *A* broken link: path.htm#Canonical
    *A* broken link: path.htm#Grammar
    *A* broken link: path.htm#Normalized
    *A* broken link: path.htm#default_name_check
    *A* broken link: path.htm#name_checkĀ­_mechanism
    *A* broken link: path.htm#normalize
    *A* broken link: path.htm#operator_eq
    *A* broken link: path.htm#synopsis
    *A* broken link: path.htm#name_check_typedef
    *A* invalid URL (hardwired file): file:///C|/boost/site/libs/filesystem/doc/operations.htm#complete_note

    *A* broken link: ../../doc/html/foreach.html

    *M* violation of Boost min/max guidelines on line 221
    *M* violation of Boost min/max guidelines on line 755
    *N* filename > 31 chars
    *N* filename > 31 chars
    *N* filename > 31 chars

    *A* unlinked file
    *A* unlinked file

    *A* unlinked file
    *A* unlinked file
    *A* unlinked file
    *A* unlinked file
    *A* unlinked file
    *A* broken link: ../../../doc/html/boost_typetraits/category.html#boost_typetraits.transform
    *A* unlinked file
    *A* unlinked file

    *A* broken link: ../../doc/html/jam.html

    *A* broken link: math/octonion/index.html
    *A* broken link: math/quaternion/index.html
    *A* broken link: math/special_functions/index.html

    *M* violation of Boost min/max guidelines on line 107
    *M* violation of Boost min/max guidelines on line 193
    *M* violation of Boost min/max guidelines on line 117
    *M* violation of Boost min/max guidelines on line 203

    *A* broken link: ../doc/html/jam/building.html
    *A* broken link: ../doc/html/date_time/date_time_io.html
    *A* broken link: ../doc/html/date_time/details.html#date_time.changes
    *A* broken link: ../doc/html/date_time/local_time.html
    *A* broken link: ../libs/math/octonion/index.html
    *A* broken link: ../libs/math/quaternion/index.html
    *A* broken link: ../libs/math/special_functions/index.html
    *A* broken link: doc/html/any.html
    *A* broken link: libs/bind/bind.html
    *A* broken link: libs/bind/bind.html#operators
    *A* broken link: libs/config/index.html
    *A* broken link: libs/functional/hash/index.html
    *A* broken link: libs/graph/doc/cuthill_mckee_ordering.html
    *A* broken link: libs/graph/doc/king_ordering.html
    *A* broken link: libs/graph/doc/table_of_contents.html
    *A* broken link: libs/iostreams/doc/index.html
    *A* broken link: libs/python/doc/index.html
    *A* broken link: libs/regex/doc/history.html
    *A* broken link: libs/regex/doc/index.html
    *A* broken link: libs/signals/doc/index.html
    *A* broken link: libs/smart_ptr/index.html
    *A* broken link: libs/thread/doc/index.html
    *A* broken link: libs/wave/ChangeLog
    *A* broken link: libs/wave/index.html
    *A* broken link: more/boost_1_33_0.jpg
    *A* broken link: people/doug_gregor.html

    *M* violation of Boost min/max guidelines on line 159
    *M* violation of Boost min/max guidelines on line 192

    *M* violation of Boost min/max guidelines on line 44

    *A* unlinked file

    *M* violation of Boost min/max guidelines on line 93

    *A* broken link: ../../images/caution.png
    *A* broken link: ../../images/important.png
    *A* broken link: ../../images/warning.png
    *A* broken link: ../highlight.html


    *A* unlinked file

    *N* leading character of one of the path compontents is not alphabetic
    *A* unlinked file
    *A* unlinked file
    *A* unlinked file
    *A* unlinked file
    *A* unlinked file
    *A* unlinked file
    *A* unlinked file
    *A* unlinked file
    *A* unlinked file
    *A* unlinked file
    *A* unlinked file
    *A* unlinked file

    *M* violation of Boost min/max guidelines on line 129
    *N* filename > 31 chars
    *A* broken link: ../../../../../boost/test/cpp_main.hpp
    *A* broken link: ../../tests/boost_check_equal_str.html
    *A* broken link: BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION.html
    *A* broken link: BOOST_MESSAGE.html
    *A* broken link: BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION.html
    *A* broken link: ../../btl1.gif
    *A* broken link: BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION.html
    *A* broken link: ../../btl1.gif
    *A* broken link: ../../../btl1.gif
    *A* broken link: ../../../btl1.gif
    *A* broken link: ../../../../../../../boost/test/unit_test_suite_ex.hpp
    *A* broken link: ../../../btl1.gif
    *A* broken link: ../../../btl1.gif
    *A* broken link: ../../../btl1.gif
    *A* broken link: ../../../btl1.gif
    *A* broken link: ../../../../../../../boost/test/unit_test_suite_ex.hpp
    *A* broken link: ../../../btl1.gif
    *A* broken link: ../../../btl1.gif
    *A* broken link: ../../../btl1.gif
    *A* broken link: ../../../btl1.gif
    *A* broken link: ../../../btl1.gif
    *A* broken link: ../../../btl1.gif
    *A* broken link: ../../../btl1.gif
    *A* broken link: ../../../btl1.gif
    *A* broken link: getting_started/index.html
    *A* broken link: ../../btl1.gif
    *A* broken link: ../../btl1.gif
    *A* broken link: ../../btl1.gif
    *A* broken link: ../../btl1.gif
    *A* broken link: ../../btl1.gif
    *A* broken link: ../../btl1.gif
    *A* broken link: ../../btl1.gif
    *A* broken link: ../../btl1.gif
    *A* broken link: ../../btl1.gif
    *A* broken link: ../../../../../LICENSE_1_0.txt
    *A* broken link: ../../btl1.gif
    *A* broken link: ../../btl1.gif
    *A* broken link: ../../btl1.gif
    *A* broken link: ../../example/unit_test_example1.cpp
    *A* broken link: ../../example/unit_test_example2.cpp
    *A* broken link: ../../example/unit_test_example3.cpp
    *A* broken link: ../../example/unit_test_example4.cpp
    *A* broken link: ../../example/unit_test_example5.cpp
    *A* broken link: ../../example/unit_test_example5.input
    *A* broken link: ../../test/auto_unit_test_test.cpp
    *A* broken link: ../../test/auto_unit_test_test_mult1.cpp
    *A* broken link: ../../test/auto_unit_test_test_mult2.cpp
    *A* broken link: ../../test/unit_test_suite_ex_test.cpp
    *A* broken link: ../../../../../LICENSE_1_0.txt
    *A* broken link: ../execution_monitor/index.html
    *A* broken link: ../../../../../../LICENSE_1_0.txt

    *N* filename > 31 chars

    *A* unlinked file

    *N* filename > 31 chars
    *A* broken link: ../../doc/html/xpressive.html

    *A* broken link: ../../doc/html/xpressive.html
    *M* violation of Boost min/max guidelines on line 64

Boost list run by bdawes at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at