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From: Darryl Green (darryl.green_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-09-12 07:52:24

Cromwell Enage wrote:
> I'm currently Boostifying the FSM module currently
> located at <>.

I'm not sure if I have a use for this or not. I'll describe some uses
and you can decide if your fsm engine is fit for purpose....

Automated test scripts

I've cobbled a few transition-table based DSLs within scripting
languages together to test protocols/any system that is stimulus driven
with some sort of observable state or other response/output.

A sort of external event triggered media player (think some sort of
laserdisk game scripting language and you will be close).

Customisation of call handling in PBXs etc.

At a glance, iiuc, your compile an FSM approach may be too static - at
least when used to generate a compiled language. What I think I'm
looking for is a scripting/DSL language for writing FSMs with good
bindings to C++. I guess I should just write one with Spirit....

Darryl Green.

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