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From: Rene Rivera (grafikrobot_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-09-21 10:52:19

Mateusz Loskot wrote:
> Today, my friend was told (warned) on the #c++ IRC channel that
> Boost uses some technologies already patented by IBM (and may be other
> entities), like RCU or SMR (and may be more).

What is RCU and SMR?

> 2. If it does, and for example it uses some in library X,
> does it mean I can not use library Y (without copying X) in my program
> because of patents-derived restrictions?
> In other words, if Boost uses any patented technologies in library X,
> does it influence other libraries?
> What are implications regarding it?

You should ask a suitably competent patent lawyer that, since it seems a
general patent applicability question.

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