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From: Giovanni P. Deretta (gpderetta_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-10-09 13:56:48

shams wrote:
> Hi,
> As far as I know some interesting libraries have cropped up from SOC
> into the boost vault. See
> What is the status of these libraries in terms of submissions, reviews
> etc.
> Why don't they show up in the sandbox?
> I am mostly interested in:
> * boost.process
> * boost.tree

Sorry for replying late. I'm the author of boost.coroutine. The library
is mostly finished. I need to finish the code reference documentation
and a couple of final touches here an there. Unfortunately (well, may be
  fortunately :) ) I've have begun a full time job as a programmer (the
SoC really helped), so it will take a while until the library will be
review worthy.

Giovanni P. Deretta

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