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From: Shunsuke Sogame (mb2act_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-10-23 08:37:07

Thorsten Ottosen wrote:
> Shunsuke Sogame wrote:
>> Hi,
>> If a pointer container holds noncopyable objects,
>> the iterators seem not to meet ReadableIteratorConcept
>> whose 'value_type' must be CopyConstructible?
> From
> it seems that the iterator type itself must be CC and CA. For a given
> iterator a, *a must be convertible to iterator_traits<X>::value_type
> (we'll use T for this below).
> For pointer containers, this currently poses quite a problem because of
> its indirected interface: the conversion could succeed if T was defined
> as iterator_traits<X>::reference, but the ReadableIteratorConcept does
> not allow T to be a reference type.
> The only thing I can come up with is that pointer container iterators
> does not satisfy the ReadableIteratorConcept, but only the
> ReadableLvalueIteratorConcept.
> Does that make sense?

It seems to be right.
I overlooked 'Readable' and 'Lvalue' is orthogonal.
A concept checker of my alogorithm should have been something like...


I don't know how to OR, though :-(

Shunsuke Sogame

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