Boost : |
From: Bryan Ewbank (ewbank_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-11-03 14:16:17
Perhaps I'm misunderstanding or oversimplifying, but doesn't this work?
template<class A, class B, class C>
class Pipeline
Pipeline(A & a, B & b, C & c)
: a_(a), b_(b), c_(c) { }
template<class ARG>
void operator()(ARG starting_val)
c_( b_( a_(starting_val) ) );
A & a_;
B & b_;
C & c_;
A a;
B b;
C c;
Pipeline<A,B,C> p(a,b,c);
... ... ...
int arg(10);
On 11/3/06, Fernando Cacciola <fernando_cacciola_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> Hi people
> 3 years of C# programming is eroding my metaprogramming habilities :(
> Say I have a few arbitrary function objects:
> A a ; B b ; C c ;
> I can easily pipe them together using Boost.Bind:
> bind(a, bind(b, bind(c,_1) ) )(some_starting_value);
> But how do I create such a composed functor programatically from an arbitrary
> tuple of function objects, as in tuple<A,B,C>?
> The idea is to present to the user a simple interface were he pass just a
> tuple of functors and I do the magic of turning them into a pipe.
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