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From: Christian Henning (chhenning_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-11-12 19:42:18
I think I haven't answered the third question. For using GIL in our
product I can see several areas. We are dealing with lots of
Ultrasound images. So, I would like to use GIL as our internal image
representation. Portability is one major selling point. Another area
is DICOM and being able to send and receive images to PACS ( Picture
Archiving and Communicating System ). I think GIL might be useful in
the medical Imaging field.
On 11/10/06, Lubomir Bourdev <lbourdev_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am collecting a survey about GIL.
> I would really appreciate it if people who are thinking about using GIL
> send me an email with the following:
> 1. Which company/university/organization are you a member of?
> 2. Are you thinking of using / will likely use / have adopted GIL?
> 3. In what context are you using GIL (if you can share that)
> Of course, any feedback on GIL, including features that you would like
> to see, is much appreciated!
> Thanks!
> Lubomir
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