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From: berserker_r (berserker_r_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-11-16 06:29:56

Christopher Kohlhoff wrote:
> What OS are you using? Is the session's work CPU bound?

I'm on Windows XP, sry but I can't understand what you mean with the
second question...
Just take your sample in "server.cpp": I need to be able to change the
code (in the session or server object, dunno where...) so that the server
is always free to accept (and process) a new connections even if there are
one or more active sessions taking a very long time to generate and send
theirs response.
For example:

void Session::handle_read(const asio::error_code& err, size_t length)

       if (!err)
         read_data_length_ = length;
         if (unsent_count_ == 1)
           very_very_long_operation(); // Process the client request

           op_count_ += 2;
           std::swap(read_data_, write_data_);
           async_write(socket_, buffer(write_data_, read_data_length_),
                 boost::bind(&session::handle_write, this,
           socket_.async_read_some(buffer(read_data_, block_size_),
                 boost::bind(&session::handle_read, this,

       if (op_count_ == 0)
 , this));

Session::very_very_long_operation() takes a lot of time I need in the
meanwhile to be able in the server to accept new connections, how can I do
that? I tried calling from multiple threads as the documentation
said but the server is always locked until the session's operation is

P.S.: be patient plz my english is not very good

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