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From: Steven Watanabe (steven_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-11-17 19:11:32


> Tobias Schwinger wrote:
>> Now folks complain more about the tags than before. Worse
>> than that, I haven't been presented a single clearly
>> superior alternative!
Because there isn't one?
>> Steven Watanabe wrote:
>>> For both components and the synthesis metafunctions,
>>> having the result type as the first element of the sequence
>>> doesn't really make sense to me. I would expect that
>>> the return type would often need to be handled separately
>>> from the parameters in the cases where anything other than
>>> simply passing the result of components to function_type<...>
>>> is needed.
>> I found it preferable to have a one-type representation,
>> but I'm currently not feeling to strong about it anymore.
>> Your proposal might be a good idea -- I'll think about it.
I don't have anything in particular against a one type representation.
It is probably quite useful. I just don't think giving an mpl
sequence a special meaning is the right way to do it.
>> Two things:
>> 1. How to specify the properties for type synthesis?
>> You proposed to strip it out, but I think that the compromising the symmetry of the library is far
>> to high of a price for unspecified aesthetical reasons.
If the tags can't be cleanly eliminated from the synthesis
metafunctions too, then I agree completely.
I can only think of two ways to do this. Neither
one is completely satisfactory.
  template<class R, class Args, class Option1, class Option2, class Option3>
  struct function_type :
    original_function_type<typename mpl::push_front<Args, R>::type,
tag<Option1, Option2, Option3> > {};
  template<class ReturnTypeAndArgsAndTagsRolledIntoASingleType>
  struct function_type : ... {};

The first may be a little better, but then again it could work
even with tags--in which case it is just extra syntactic sugar.
The second one would basically be the inverse of components.
In the second case a "constructor" for components with signature
template<class R, class Args, class ... Options>
would be needed.
> 2. The primary interface would be "shape shifting" based on the configuration:
> is_fastcall_cc
> is_stdcall_cc
> is_*_cc
What about is_same<calling_convention<F>::type, fastcall_cc>?
> Further: none of the reviewers (except Doug Gregor, who was talking about the issue in the very specific context of merger with another library) did answer the following question:
> What's wrong with the tag types (other than personal taste) in the first place?
Anything that can be made to work with a different interface will work
with the tags.
So, to a large degree they are a matter of personal taste.
I've had a lot of trouble trying to figure out why I didn't like them. I
think it can
be summarized as 1. They depart from existing (TypeTraits) usage for no
particular gain.
This is not really important especially since the default arguments make
this invisible
for the most common case and it would be very bad to forbid potential
improvements just
because they are different.
2. Why are they used for some things and not others? The tags are used
for variadicness,
constness, and calling convention, but (from a user's perspective) they
are not used
for member pointer vs. function vs. function pointer.
3. Why separate the return type and the parameters from everything else?
I would
prefer to either combine or separate EVERYTHING. That, however, is just
> A "reject" vote for a matter of personal taste is pretty tough, IMO. But sadly it wouldn't surprise me much after reading some of the material from the GIL review...
> Regards,
> Tobias

In Christ,
Steven Watanabe

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