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From: Dean Michael Berris (mikhailberis_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-11-20 03:29:51

Hi Dave,

On 11/20/06, David Abrahams <dave_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> David Abrahams <dave_at_[hidden]> writes:
> Within a couple of hours, the new version of this page will be
> available in context at
> It might be easier to wait for that to become available.

Great job! This looks very good and easy on the eyes.

However, will the .qbk sources be made available? I'd like to add a
few things on the Windows MSVC build for 1.34 which you may have
missed. There will be issues like with just `using msvc ;' in the
user-config.jam file and other small details (like the compiler
warnings that will be produced and should be ignored, etc.).

I also like copy-editing documentation (had done this in high school
and was pretty much having fun -- a hobby of course, which I want to
be able to put into good use somday) and have a few things I'd like to
point out -- some unintended grammatical and typographical errors in a
few places -- and be able to change on my local copy before submitting
a patch to you.

Again, thanks and great job on the new getting started page!

Dean Michael C. Berris
C++ Software Architect
Orange and Bronze Software Labs, Ltd. Co.
email: dean_at_[hidden]
mobile: +63 928 7291459
phone: +63 2 8943415
other: +1 408 4049532

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