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From: Eric Niebler (eric.niebler_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-11-20 11:35:40

Michael Stevens wrote:
> I an very interested in this framework so I have started to take a look.
> General Accumulators are something I could make use of myself. I really like
> the conceptual design of the framework, and how it allows accumulators to be
> inter-dependant..

Great! Glad you like it.

> After a quick browse through the documentation I decided to take a look at the
> code. In particular I was interested in the numerics.
> I think the current implementation has some serious numerical weaknesses. I
> looked at 2 algorithms 'sum' and 'variance':
> In 'sum' I expected to see a compensated summation, this is numerically a lot
> better then just adding the numbers together.

'sum' is one I implemented. I'm not surprised to learn there are better

The framework allows for different implementation strategies for the
statistics, though. Using the extensibility features, you can define
your own "compensated_sum" accumulator and declare that it satisfies the
"sum" feature (so that "compensated_sum" and "sum" are indistinguishable
from the POV of dependency resolution), and even come up with clever
syntax for it, like:

   accumulator_set< double, features< sum(compensated) > > acc;

You might even try writing "compensated_sum" yourself and submitting it,
just to see what happens. :-)

The questions of what the default "sum" should do, and what alternate
implementations should be provided, are open.

> The 'variance' accumulator has a lazy calculation of variance using the
> formula \sigma_n^2 = M_n^{(2)} - \mu_n^2. This formal is specifically
> cited for it poor performance in the presence of rounding error. Indeed it
> may even return negative results.
> Any chance of getting your statistics guys to take a look at the numerics of
> the solutions? If people were to use library as is they would be in for nasty
> surprised!

I'll forward this message off to the stats guys. This would certainly be
a good issue to re-raise once the review starts.

Eric Niebler
Boost Consulting

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