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From: Andreas Huber (ahd6974-spamgroupstrap_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-12-04 10:03:30
Oliver.Kowalke_at_[hidden] wrote:
>>>> Could you please run the tests? To do so, go to
>> libs/statechart/test
>>>> and type "bjam --v2" and hit CR (assuming you have bjam installed).
>>> Ok - I got a long error list:
>> [snip]
>> I will look into it. Problem is that I'm running out of time
>> before my holidays (7th of Dec until 22nd of Dec). I've been
>> using MinGW so far and am not ready to waste more of that
>> precious pre-holiday time with switching to cygwin. I hope it
>> is ok for you to use GCC4.1.1 until I get a chance to
>> reproduce the problem?
> OK - I'll downgrade to gcc-3.4.
Ok, whatever works best for you. BTW, I've just visited the GNU website
and it seems that 4.1.2 has not yet been officially released:
Are you using a compiler from a CVS snapshot?
> Schönen Urlaub.
-- Andreas Huber When replying by private email, please remove the words spam and trap from the address shown in the header.
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