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From: Niitsuma Hirotaka (hirotaka.niitsuma_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-01-24 01:06:43

It is seem to the authors of GIL are interested in generalized image
data structure.
However, many users require some specific function for their aim.
How about, namespace "GIL:: specific" is used for contributions for
specific aim?
"GIL:: specific" will provide generalized (don't depend on data
structure ) specific functions.

Relation among other libs also important.
>However, you can rely on third-party libraries to do this, for example
> (<=2.4 uses a quite liberal license) and
> . Both can render to memory buffers which
>in turn can be used directly in GIL.
How about relation to other libs locate in
GIL::binding::other_lib_name (antigrain, opencv … and so on)
(Like ublas::binding::other_lib_name(atlas , lapck …),
GIL::binding::opencv is already exist.

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