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From: Andrey Semashev (andysem_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-02-03 17:19:20

Hello Steven,

Sunday, February 4, 2007, 1:02:12 AM, you wrote:


> Andrey Semashev <andysem <at>> writes:

>> And maybe a good idea is to pass an actual value that triggered the default
>> handler in the exception object.

> Do you think I should store the value as an integer
> or lexical_cast it to a string and pass it to the
> constructor of std::runtime_error? If I store it as
> an integer, no matter what type I use, it could
> overflow.

I think the value should be in the error message. But you also can
store it as intmax_t value in the exception. I think, this would be
sufficient for 99% cases.

Best regards,
 Andrey                            mailto:andysem_at_[hidden]

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