Boost : |
From: Andreas Huber (ahd6974-spamgroupstrap_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-02-05 18:03:27
Steven Watanabe wrote:
> Andreas Huber <ahd6974-spamgroupstrap <at> yahoo.com> writes:
>> Steven Watanabe wrote:
>>> GetPodInstance() is probably safe, but the standard does
>>> not require it. "A local object of POD type (3.9) with static
>>> storage duration initialized with constant-expressions is
>>> initialized before its block is first entered." (6.7/4)
>> Interesting, from the wording above I would have concluded that the
>> standard *does* require it.
> To be safe the compiler would have to initialize
> the object statically. i.e. before any code whatsoever
> is executed. The wording does not require that.
I guess you are right regarding the wording but in practice such
initialization takes place much earlier than the standard requires.
Otherwise such a widespread library as pthreads would have a major
-- Andreas Huber When replying by private email, please remove the words spam and trap from the address shown in the header.
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