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From: Yigong Liu (yigongliu_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-02-28 03:51:11


Signal_links looks like a nice light-weight feature to have when developing
event dispatching applications using Boost.Signal. From its current syntax,
looks like it will work most naturally for linear pipeline and tree like
connection topologies, for more complicated connection topologies (such as
mesh or acyclic graph), we will have to break it up into pipeline or trees
and set up them in several steps? that said, it still makes code cleaner and
clearer. could we have some samples showing dynamic reconfiguration works
(adding/removing new senders/recvers)?

The scenario Paolo mentioned:
"video_generator >>= ( effect1 && effect2 ) >>= image_sum >>= display"
in fact the middle part of it "( effect1 && effect2 ) >>= image_sum" is so
called "join" pattern in message passing. i have written a boost based
framework ( for asynchronous events and
message passing which support both choice/join patterns, executing callbacks
in thread pools, push/pull models and other stuff which you may find
interesting, although it doesnt have the elegant api of Boost.Signal.


On 2/21/07, Paolo Coletta <paolo_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> where effect1 and effect2 are executed in parallel (for example, by
> different threads of a thread_group); image_sum (which expects two
> arguments) is executed only when both effect1 and effect2 are completed.

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