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From: Paul A Bristow (pbristow_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-03-21 15:07:28

Sorry this isn't clear.

I'd like (and I think many others would too)

To plot simple graphs of the style in


1 functions (over a specified range)

2 Ones own data - probably actual measurements of some sort.

Since it is fairly easy to fill a container of some sort with values from a function over a range, I suggest the project should
concentrate on plotting data that is already in a container (STL vector for example).

You could do 1, 2 and perhaps 3 dimensional data -

1 D would be repeat measurements distribution on a line.

2 D is traditional x - y plots

3d is x, y and z

Hope this is clearer - but you can chose what you submit too.


Paul A Bristow
Prizet Farmhouse, Kendal, Cumbria UK LA8 8AB
+44 1539561830 & SMS, Mobile +44 7714 330204 & SMS
>-----Original Message-----
>From: boost-bounces_at_[hidden] 
>[mailto:boost-bounces_at_[hidden]] On Behalf Of alex prince
>Sent: 21 March 2007 14:01
>To: boost_at_[hidden]
>Subject: [boost] Google SoC 2007 SVG Project [Boost]
>Hey !
>    I hope it works this time. My message body wasn't sent 
>last time and I 
>was told to close the HTML editor and so I did.
>    Here's my original question: I think I have spotted a 
>contradiction (or 
>at least a point that is not clear) in the SVG project.In the 
>the author points the need to "[evaluate] a function like sin 
>over a range 
>and [get] a compact scalable graphic that can easily be added 
>to documents" 
>however in the "goal" section, the author says:
>    "Goal: To write C++ templated functions to allow data in 
>C++ arrays and 
>STL containers, vector is an obvious one, to produce a file, 
>for example, in 
>SVG format (XML)."
>    The latter seems to be more like simply plotting points 
>while the first 
>rather seems like plotting the function over a given range.
>    I am really interested in this entry however I would like 
>to have a 
>really good idea of what has to be done and how I will do it 
>before even 
>sending my subscribtion for GSoC.
>Thanks a lot to all ideas and suggestions !
>Alexandre P-L.
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