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From: Philippe Vaucher (philippe.vaucher_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-03-27 14:14:13

> However, some reviewers commented that it was "ugly" to provide
> getters that just returned a member's value. I tried to change most
> of those instances to constant members that could be queried
> directly, but I still have doubts whether that was the correct way to
> go.

I think you did the same mistake as me when I arrived here: you believed all
answers were relevant. Unfortunately boost's mailing list is like all
mailing lists, some comments are great, some are stating the obvious and
some are really bad. It's up to you to filter all this and pick only the
good ideas or what more than one knowledgeable person seems to think is a
good one.

Hope it helps.

Boost list run by bdawes at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at