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From: Ford, Rich (Rich.Ford_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-04-02 14:56:08



I'm sending this to you as the authors of the Boost Graph library.


We have some applications of Boost.Graph where it would be desirable for
us to be able to supply our own memory allocator that Boost.Graph would
use when it needs to allocate memory for vertices, edges, or whatever.
For example, we might want to allocate the graph in an arena and when we
are done just deallocate the whole arena. Has there been any request
from others for this? I would not think it would be too hard to add
(e.g. for adjacency_list, add another template parameter for the
allocator and use it whenever allocation is needed).


I would be interested in hearing your feedback on this proposal.


Thanks for your help.




Richard L. Ford, Ph. D.
Principal Member of Technical Staff
Software Strategy and Solutions
T 978-795-8584
F 978-795-2525



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