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From: Jeff Garland (jeff_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-04-03 16:54:25

Sohail Somani wrote:

> Oh come on guys, aren't we just getting silly? To avoid what? Adding cpp
> files to the build?

Yeah, actually. Here's a response to your earlier mail:

Sohail Somani wrote:

>> This is a non-issue. With header-only libraries, step 1 is
>> the only thing that disappears and you might even be lucky
>> enough to disable language extensions in your project.

I assure you, given the number of posts on this list and the -user list,
building boost is something people have issues with. I've had to answer the
'link errors' question many times for date-time -- even though this is basic
knowledge that all developers should have, and it's "all in the docs".

> Actually, step 1 is replaced with "try build with bjam, send emails to
> the mailing list"

Right, and best case, you're into an hour or two of fiddling around that had
nothing to do with what you were trying to accomplish -- which is simply to
read the docs and use the library. And while I understand the sentiment the
C++ programmers have been dealing with this for years, etc, etc.. it's still
really nice when getting started with a new lib that the barrier to entry is
more like a scripting language than traditional C/C++ libs.


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