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From: Emil Dotchevski (emildotchevski_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-04-14 19:59:30

> I disagree. Suppose we have a function foo(shared_ptr<int> &&p)
> that might or might not move from p. For instance, foo might be one of
> several potential consumers of the shared_ptr. In this case, having the
> move constructor automatically zero out p would be a nice way to let the
> client know that p was actually moved from. It would enable code like
> the following:
> shared_ptr<int> p(new int(1));
> foo(move(p));
> if (p) { // foo didn't want it, try the next potential consumer
> bar(move(p));
> } else {
> return; // foo consumed our shared_ptr, so we are done.
> }

Of course you can always write:

shared_ptr<int> p(new int(1));
if( !foo(move(p)) ) // foo didn't want it, try the next potential consumer
} else {
    return; // foo consumed our shared_ptr, so we are done.

> Also, leaving the shared_ptr in an inconsistent state can cause
> intermittent crashes far away from where the move occurred. This is
> unfair to the person who will be debugging the crash, who may well be
> someone different from the person who wrote the code with the move
> statement.

Saying that something is undefined behavior doesn't mean that we shouldn't
provide debugging features to help detect ill-formed code.

Emil Dotchevski

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