Boost : |
From: Manuel Fiorelli (manuel.fiorelli_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-06-15 17:09:08
finally I succeed in generating a documentation from a quickbook file
(.qbk); however, I have some doubts about the correct procedure to do that.
I use Fedora 7 and its prepackaged version of Boost but, unfortunately, it
seems that there is nothing about Boost.build or BoostBoook. Thus, I
downloaded the source distribution from Boost.org and untar it in my home
directory where I also copied (and customized) the user-config.jam. Then, I
downloaded the dtd and the xsl as stated from "getting started section".
After that, I went in $BOOST_ROOT/doc and I succeed in regenerating doc
through bjam --v2.
My questions are:
1) is it possible to build a documentation outside the $BOOST_ROOT? if yes,
what kind of jamfile / Jamroot is needed ??
2) what is the minimal set of tools needed to build a documentation? Is it
strictly necessary to download the entire boost distribution?
3) I noted that stylesheet and images miss from generated documentation. I
suspect that it is due to the fact that these files are supposed to be there
(since they are part of boost distribution). Is this correct?
I am not very familiar with these tools, thus my questions could be fool,
but, at other hand, they could be useful to understand what are the main
difficulties of an unexperienced user.
Best regards
Manuel Fiorelli
Boost list run by bdawes at acm.org, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk