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From: Eric Niebler (eric_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-07-01 10:57:18

dan marsden wrote:
> Hi
> Does proto support member access in its tree generation in any way. I'm looking at a few of the phoenix statement forms, particularly:
> if_(pred)[statements].else_[statements]
> and
> try_[statements].catch_<exception_type>()[statements].catch_call[statements]
> I need to specify member access to else_ and catch_<exception_type> etc. Is this something I'll have to hand roll, or does proto have some extension mechanism I've missed that will let me add these to the expression tree generation process?

Yes, proto::extends is the extension mechanism.

> As phoenix expressions have operator(), I'm already using an expression wrapper around all my proto expressions, so I presume that is where I would add any special member support?

Yep. You could be to put all such members into the Phoenix expression
wrapper and use a grammar to flag or disallow invalid uses. The members
would just be Proto terminals, like "terminal<phoenix::tag::else_>::type
const else_".

A better approach might be to partially specialize your wrapper such
that members like else_ only show up where they make sense. So,
something like:

template<typename Expr, typename EnableIf = void>
struct phoenix_expr
  : proto::extends<Expr, phoenix_expr, phoenix_domain>
   // default phoenix stuff here, including
   // operator()

// Here is the grammar for if_ expressions
struct IfGrammar
  : proto::subscript<

template<typename Expr>
struct phoenix_expr<
  , typename enable_if<proto::matches<Expr, IfGrammar> >::type
  : proto::extends<Expr, phoenix_expr, phoenix_domain>
   // default phoenix stuff here, including
   // operator()

   terminal<phoenix::tag::else_>::type const else_;

Obviously, you'd want to structure this such that both the primary
template and the specialization inherit from a common base which has the
operator() overloads and any other stuff that would be common to them.


Eric Niebler
Boost Consulting

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