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From: Stefan Seefeld (seefeld_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-07-09 21:11:29

Jake Voytko wrote:

> I'm looking through the example code and I have a few questions.
> - Is it possible to have parameters in the tags? For example:
> element_ptr g_elem = root->insert_element("g");
> g_elem->add_parameter("stroke_color", "red");
> produces:
> <g stroke_color = "red">
> ..
> </g>
> Is this what append_element() does, or is there another function to do this?

What you call a 'parameter' is actually called an 'attribute', and it gets
set like

g_elem->set_parameter("stroke_color", "red");

(it can't be "added" since it may only exist once. Thus, you can set and unset it.)

> - The operator->() syntax.. It would appear that you did this because all of
> the elements act as pointers. However, I feel that some of the operations


> are unclear as to why they should be implemented using the -> syntax
> my_elem -> write_to_file("my_file.xml"), for example.

'write_to_file' is a method of 'document', not 'element'. The reason why
I expect applications to hold document pointers is that they often get
instantiated by a parser (acting as a factory).

> - Also, how far does the pointer analogy carry? If I call
> ++my_elem();
> does this go to the next child of my_elem->parent()?

No. an element doesn't have iterator semantics.

> I second the call for documentation from Mathias. This nonwithstanding, good
> work so far!

Thanks ! And yes, I will do my best to write some documentation (beside
some API reference that can be readily extracted via synopsis or doxygen).

Thanks for the feedback,

      ...ich hab' noch einen Koffer in Berlin...

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