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Boost : |
From: Marshall Clow (marshall_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-07-12 09:47:49
[ 297 open tickets today, 304 yesterday ]
[ Thanks to everyone for their work on triage; those three slackers
"None", "Nobody", and "<Blank>" are no longer responsible for half
the open bugs! ]
If you are maintaining a library, and have not logged into the trac system
at <http://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/>, please do so ASAP. Until you do that,
no tickets can be assigned to you, and will remain under "None".
Instructions on working with tickets can be found at:
22 grafik
22 dgregor
21 bemandawes
18 johnmaddock
17 None
15 jsiek
15 az_sw_dude
14 vladimir_prus
13 rogeeff
11 turkanis
11 dave
9 agurtovoy
8 ramey
7 speedsnail
7 samuel_k
7 pdimov
6 shammah
6 nesotto
6 jbandela
6 anthonyw
5 witt
4 urzuga
4 nobody
4 mark_rodgers
4 fcacciola
4 doug_gregor
4 djowel
3 jmaurer
3 ebf
3 dlwalker
3 danielw
2 hubert_holin
2 alnsn
2 <Blank>
1 nmusatti
1 mistevens
1 kevlin
1 hkaiser
1 garcia
1 eric_niebler
1 danieljames
1 asutton
1 aaron_windsor
None 1080 boost::interprocess win32 global file mapping issue
None 1079 boost-1.34.0 fails to compile. concept checks not satisfied.
None 1074 FreeBSD specific patches to boost 1.34.0
None 1070 [iostreams]boost\iostreams\copy.hpp line80 copy_impl
None 1068 Mersenne twister disables streaming for Visual C++
None 1059 random_on_sphere can be made 10 times faster!
None 1033 iostreams::restrict doesn't work on an iostreams::file_source
None 1027 [ptr_container] optional serialization support
None 1023 inspect
None 1006 No mingw.jam
None 1003 [iostreams] copy-paste error in typedefs for wchar multichar_filters
None 1002 [iostreams] close_impl<closable_tag> does not comply with spec
None 991 [pool]
None 987 configure passes wrong toolset to bjam
None 982 x64 documentation for windows
None 980 boost.format vc8/win32 compilation warning
None 960 [random] lognormal_distribution problem
<Blank> 1011 amd64: #error Boost.Numeric.Interval: Please specify
rounding control mechanism.
<Blank> 924 Convenience function for const map read
aaron_windsor 778 top-level configure is broken
agurtovoy 1051 MPL header ordering triggers bug
agurtovoy 1049 Getting mpl/has_xxx.hpp to compile on AIX
agurtovoy 1001 gcc 4.1.2 segfaults on mpl/test/apply.cpp
agurtovoy 861 [mpl] Detect nested template members with has_template_xxx
agurtovoy 816 duplicat initial members -> erase_key postcond. fail
agurtovoy 761 [mpl] evc4 port
agurtovoy 640 documentation mistake
agurtovoy 637 Adjusts mpl::pair concept to be compatible with STL pairs
agurtovoy 588 mpl::remove compile error with gcc 4.1.0
alnsn 839 lexical_cast - local variable shadow patch
alnsn 754 boost::any - typeid comparison across shared boundaries
anthonyw 1053 Error using boost::mutex and C++/CLI
anthonyw 659 provide an abstract "Task" type based on Boost.Threads
anthonyw 881 errors when build with Apache stdcxx
anthonyw 876 xtime documentation incomplete
anthonyw 868 [thread] thread_specific_ptr::element_type ?
anthonyw 802 [thread] MSVS: Allow use of thread headers with /Za
asutton 693 Add clique detection algorithms DFMax_ Bron-Kerbosch
az_sw_dude 1078 from_iso_string cannot read the output from to_iso_string
az_sw_dude 1028 typo in boost header: date_time/time_defs.hpp
az_sw_dude 224 Extensions to std::string: compareIgnoreCase()_ trim()_ ...
az_sw_dude 187 locale
az_sw_dude 17 Socket wrapper class
az_sw_dude 890 date_time library supports only the current dst rule
az_sw_dude 889 Insane Dependencies
az_sw_dude 827 Unused variable in format date parser
az_sw_dude 642 operator<< for gregorian::date_duration not found
az_sw_dude 614 new timezone db file for #1471723 - 2007 DST support
az_sw_dude 605 support new 2007 DST rules for timezone db
az_sw_dude 604 from_ftime incorrectly processes FILETIME filled with zeros
az_sw_dude 596 make timezone csv file C/C++ compatible
az_sw_dude 316 date_time type conversion warning
az_sw_dude 287 wrong usage of ios_base::narrow
bemandawes 1073 operations.cpp_ dummy_first_name lifetime
bemandawes 1065 cannot find -lboost_filesystem
bemandawes 1061 boost::filesystem::basic_recursive_directory_iterator
fails on empty directories.
bemandawes 1014 rename throws an exception that is not documented
bemandawes 995 'multiply defined symbols' when including
<boost/filesystem.hpp> in different source files
bemandawes 897 exists() throws exeption on existing but locked file on wind
bemandawes 842 typo in auto_unit_test.hpp Revision 1.17
bemandawes 824 BOOST_IOSTREAMS_HAS_LSEEK64 on Mac OS X
bemandawes 823 Seekable file_descriptor_source /sink?
bemandawes 800 [filesystem] chdir()
bemandawes 752 directory_iterator doesn't work with catch
bemandawes 680 significantly different timer class behaviour on Win and Lin
bemandawes 662 [filesystem] portable_posix_name() may fail on premain call
bemandawes 621 filesystem::path as a template
bemandawes 607 Log level names wrong in documentation
bemandawes 600 VC8 can't find windows.h even though environment is correct!
bemandawes 590 mkstemp
bemandawes 559 linker error mingw 3.4.5
bemandawes 366 handle double '/' in the boost::filesystem
bemandawes 294 unicode support in boost::filesystem
bemandawes 222 Code analysis_ flaw detection_ debugging
danieljames 1064 problem on platforms with no errno.h header file
danielw 1054 Parameter takes an "infinite" amount of time to compile
with the Intel compiler.
danielw 1044 Argument pack inaccessable in a functions return type
danielw 863 [parameter] fix operator|| for lazy binding
dave 1085 Python rules for compiling in Mac OS X
dave 1066 Patch to make Boost.Python compile on SunCC
dave 1020 Boost.Iterator proposal to add is_constant_iterator
dave 1019 iterator_facade::pointer should be the return type of
operator-> (DR 445)
dave 1010 linking boost.python on freebsd
dave 918 __doc__ strings
dave 916 BPL Support for Python Callable Objects
dave 910 gcc strict-aliasing problems with python
dave 903 inconsistent usage of function pointer typedefs
dave 865 Use of C++0x keyword as identifier
dave 857 add shared_ptr< const T> support
dgregor 954 boost::dynamic_properties has no copy-constructor
dgregor 862 [utility] Make result_of handle lambda expressions
dgregor 746 max flow with lower bounds (capacities)
dgregor 1067 Function needs to use pass-by-reference internally
dgregor 891 Bunch of compilation error reported while using function.hpp
dgregor 870 boost::graph::graph_utility.hpp is_connected() bad call
dgregor 852 Problem with Boost and GCC 4.1
dgregor 829 Implicit graph not implement
dgregor 738 Memory leaks with signal::connect?
dgregor 736 Const correctness violation
dgregor 735 Fruchterman-Reingold grid performance can be improved
dgregor 733 Numbered headers don't work with "preferred" syntax
dgregor 732 Johnson All-Pairs needs better "no path" information
dgregor 708 Dijkstra no_init version should not require VertexListGraph
dgregor 556 Bundled graph properties
dgregor 447 reverse_graph and constness of property maps
dgregor 403 Document copy_component
dgregor 402 random_vertex/random_edge are unnecessarily inefficient
dgregor 395 BGL graph types do not support allocators
dgregor 375 LEDA graph adaptors do not handle hidden nodes properly
dgregor 373 LEDA graph adaptors for undirected graphs
dgregor 372 adjacency_matrix should model BidirectionalGraph
djowel 664 crash in boost::spirit::parse
djowel 543 Embedded python won't compile
djowel 314 spirit insert_key_actor.hpp
djowel 241 Miss " = ParserT()"
dlwalker 766 "Bug" in comment (x2)
dlwalker 653 [integer] add support for integers longer than long
dlwalker 613 boost/crc.hpp uses non-standard conforming syntax
doug_gregor 1087 Mismatch between BBv2 and bjam toolsets in configure script.
doug_gregor 1076 compile error: disconnecting struct with
operator()() doesn't work in VS2005 SP1
doug_gregor 1072 assertion failed in dijkstra algorithm
doug_gregor 1021 [Graph][reverse_graph] Problem using reverse_graph
adapter with an adapted user defined graph
ebf 993 Variant should use least common multiple of alignments_
rather than maximum
ebf 965 [doc] boost::variant tutorial - final example uses v1_v2
should be seq1_seq2
ebf 547 [variant] Compile time checked getter
eric_niebler 1071 Request for BOOST_REVERSE_FOREACH and rationale
fcacciola 818 No zero-argument in_place()
fcacciola 765 optional documentation
fcacciola 617 Numeric Conversion Documentation minor bug
fcacciola 282 boost::optional<enum> fails with /CLR
garcia 1045 [multi_array] Need a proper swap operation
grafik 1088 Docs for template escape feature.
grafik 1041 Cygwin requires PATH setting.
grafik 1040 boost.devel archive at ActiveState disconnected
grafik 1031 AmigaOS fixes for bjam
grafik 989 Boost build does not support building universal binaries
on macintosh
grafik 714 [jam] HardLink rule on NT platform
grafik 121 toolset initialization
grafik 94 Better reporting of failed expectation.
grafik 93 Testing problems on AIX and OSF
grafik 1062 Cygwin install stage fails with combination of patches
grafik 977 bjam crashes when compiled with gcc 4.2
grafik 959 linking fails when Boost is compiled with STLport 5.1.* on
Linux (names mismatch)
grafik 896 <native-wchar_t>off does not work when build with vc-8.0
grafik 798 bjam: always define OSPLAT
grafik 721 Generated files "@()" don't work in regular expressions.
grafik 683 libraries won't build
grafik 616 Boost Jam_ and non english directorys
grafik 552 Building universal binary on MacOSX
grafik 546 boost.build needs fixes for HP/UX
grafik 497 Unable to build boost with Dinkumware STL version 4.02
grafik 481 Linker Problems with VC .NET 2003 / STLPort / Boost
grafik 431 boost jam problem with parallel builds
hkaiser 1077 Spirit integer parser does not always detect integer overflow
hubert_holin 647 octonion documentation bug
hubert_holin 162 Cannot compile octonion_test.cpp because of bug in sinc.hpp
jbandela 665 bug in char_separator
jbandela 501 token_iterator::at_end() result is inversed
jbandela 306 Visual C++ "Language Extensions" support
jbandela 283 Compiler error for tokenizer on Solaris
jbandela 279 SLOOOWW tokenizer compilation on VC++6.0
jbandela 259 Problem compiling :/
jmaurer 920 Proposed extension to random library
jmaurer 819 uniform_int<> with type's maximum availaible range error
jmaurer 351 Diff in state of mersenne_twister gen between GCC3.41 & CW9
johnmaddock 1083 boost_regex 1.34.0 uses ICU library without linking to it
johnmaddock 1081 Empty string rejected as perl-style regex
johnmaddock 1075 [doc] incorrect comment
johnmaddock 1008 Undocumented type traits.
johnmaddock 905 Assertion failed in token_iterator.hpp
johnmaddock 871 Problem build boost 1.33.1 on Aix 4.3.3
johnmaddock 883 errors when build with Apache stdcxx
johnmaddock 812 Crash on RH machine with gcc < 3.4
johnmaddock 775 Warnings on MSVC 2005
johnmaddock 764 [regex] add support for a BOOST_NO_CREGEX mode
johnmaddock 679 regex - perl syntax affects what gets matched
johnmaddock 633 [config] evc4 port
johnmaddock 591 make portable stdint.h from boost code
johnmaddock 540 Please add support for Borland C++ Builder 2006
johnmaddock 502 Problem running configure for unsupported platform
johnmaddock 492 Adding boost::is_complex to type_traits.hpp
johnmaddock 360 Regex
johnmaddock 315 Implement operator[] for Tokenizer
jsiek 900 graphml reader namespace handling is broken
jsiek 875 No iterator based constructor for adjacency_matrix
jsiek 815 remove_edge core dumps on self-circle
jsiek 813 concept_check.hpp unused variable warning
jsiek 694 Add Maximum Common Subgraph (MCS) algorithm
jsiek 636 strange compiling problem for transitive_closure
jsiek 580 Max Flow Algorithm
jsiek 575 Calling subgraph::global_to_local on a root graph
jsiek 541 [concept_check.hpp] remove unused variable warning in msvc
jsiek 416 Spelling of Edmonds-Karp-Algorithm
jsiek 193 Check ordering for mutexes
jsiek 182 Support aspect-orientation
jsiek 116 creating my own properties
jsiek 100 more use of the concept "allocator"
jsiek 69 Boost with Dinkumware C++ Library !?
kevlin 913 Specialization of lexical_cast
mark_rodgers 821 allow_unregistered improvement
mark_rodgers 558 add database library?
mark_rodgers 87 function to get the size of a array
mark_rodgers 30 parser
mistevens 688 ublas: bug in mapped_vector_of_mapped_vector
nesotto 807 boost::assignment documentation: mathematical "typo"
nesotto 730 The ptr_map iterator cannot be dereference to value type
nesotto 723 local_time_facet error in VS2005 Win2003
nesotto 624 bug in boost::range_detail
nesotto 518 [Boost.Range]boost::const_begin calls non-qualified 'begin'
nesotto 471 boost.range and "const char[]".
nmusatti 285 Borland compiler error with Pool_ boost::pool_allocator
nobody 930 iostream and zlib
nobody 922 Lexical cast and wide characters
nobody 884 [iostreams] workaround for the boost + stdcxx on MSVC 7.1
nobody 795 [ublas] vector::back()
pdimov 1084 atomic_count_gcc.hpp tries to #include nonexistant header
pdimov 1069 _InterlockedExchange_ _InterlockedExchangeAdd have wrong signature
pdimov 997 error in boost::bind doc
pdimov 911 [bind] inline placeholder macro
pdimov 810 support for weak_ptr binding
pdimov 445 Can't delete automatically in circularly included object.
pdimov 398 Support for embedded VC++ 4.0
ramey 1086 Serialization of weak_ptr produces invalid XML
ramey 1038 "<" and ">" should be excaped in xml_oarchive
ramey 1036 assert failure in oserializer.hpp:418
ramey 969 basic_binary_iprimitive::load_binary bug
ramey 968 xml_grammar - incorrect define char
ramey 961 boost::basic_binary_oprimitive not instantiated correctly
ramey 874 Ability to partially specialize implementation_level
ramey 878 error C2039: 'mbstate_t' : is not a member of 'std'
rogeeff 1060 no example sources in online docs for Boost::Test
rogeeff 1050 BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION documentation missing
rogeeff 1032 typo in Boost.Test documentation
rogeeff 1030 execution_monitor.ipp #warning directive breaks
compilation on MSVC 8.0
rogeeff 999 prg_exec_fail3 fails on release variant
rogeeff 998 prg_exec_fail2 fail on ppc
rogeeff 962 Missing links in Test library documentation
rogeeff 956 Doc error in test examples.
rogeeff 893 grammatical error in error message
rogeeff 847 [Test Library] How to init/free a singleton
rogeeff 762 [test] evc4 issue with SEH support
rogeeff 747 failing on 6 targets in MacOS X
rogeeff 645 [test] no eh exception handling functions on evc4
samuel_k 859 boost::format ignores a user defined locale
samuel_k 849 boost::format and operator priority rule
samuel_k 713 Boost.Format doesn't work on MSVC with /vd2 compiler option
samuel_k 704 format zero length string msvc-8
samuel_k 585 64 bit compile warning/error for boost::format
samuel_k 570 boost::format parse method doesn't work
samuel_k 493 format: assert when parsing invalid pattern
shammah 840 pool allocator - local variable shadow patch
shammah 836 warning using pool.hpp
shammah 386 boost::pool_allocator breaks with vector of vectors
shammah 290 perfomance: memory cleanup for pool takes too long
shammah 284 pool::purge_memory() does not reset next_size
shammah 88 ct_gcd_lcm.hpp compilation error
speedsnail 615 thread identification and getting the id
speedsnail 204 Add a monitor class
speedsnail 194 Exchange results between several thread calls
speedsnail 174 cooperation with ACE framework
speedsnail 173 more synchronization primitives for the threads classes
speedsnail 172 cooperation with ZThread package
speedsnail 171 class for function calls that are not thread safe
turkanis 869 [iostreams] patch for building by BBv2
turkanis 856 iostreams file_descriptor::write fails under Win32
turkanis 822 Incorrect usage of bad_write()_ bad_seek() etc.
turkanis 817 Performance problem in iostreams
turkanis 791 iostreams::tee_filter is for output only
turkanis 786 bug in iostreams/copy.hpp line 81
turkanis 699 Changing size of memory-mapped file on Windows
turkanis 586 iostreams // file_descriptor::seek BUG on files > 4 GB
turkanis 579 boost.iostreams file_descriptor and sharing
turkanis 525 problem with boost::iostreams when compiled with Visual C++
turkanis 484 Boost.Iostreams and newline translation
urzuga 864 [lambda][utility] Make lambda support result<>
urzuga 781 Lambda: (_1 + "y")(string("x")) Doesn't Compile
urzuga 574 [boost::lambda] Compile error with libstdc++ debug mode
urzuga 426 lambda vs pure virtual functions
vladimir_prus 1058 Cygwin libraries & GNU libtool
vladimir_prus 1055 boost build system uses wrong `ar` for cross compilation.
vladimir_prus 1042 Build: Incorrect parameters for IA64 architecture
in MSVC toolset
vladimir_prus 985 Free features don't work when building boost
vladimir_prus 879 Building Boost with Apache C++ Standard Library (STDCXX)
vladimir_prus 853 path with spaces not always handled
vladimir_prus 428 Please add support for PDSK compilers for x64 and IA64
vladimir_prus 850 program_options strips off escaped quotes in some situations
vladimir_prus 808 [program_options] parse_config_file documentation bug
vladimir_prus 689 [program_options] Endless loop with long default arguments
vladimir_prus 674 find-library for boost decorated names
vladimir_prus 644 Boost.Build v2 build script help for evc4
vladimir_prus 469 multitoken broken
vladimir_prus 342 program_options Can one have options with optional values?
witt 1046 Boost.Python quickstart instructions mention nonexistent target
witt 973 zip_iterator has value_type == reference
witt 957 The "Getting Started" page does not mention the stdlib option
witt 834 Homepage regression links
witt 145 filter iterator adaptor should be able to be bidirectional
-- -- Marshall Marshall Clow Idio Software <mailto:marshall_at_[hidden]> It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning. It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.
Boost list run by bdawes at acm.org, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk