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From: Joel de Guzman (joel_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-08-03 21:51:32

Douglas Gregor wrote:
> Rene Rivera wrote:
>> Daryle Walker wrote:
>>> I was working the ticket list at
>>> <>, trying to re-categorize the
>>> issues under the "None" component. I noticed that there isn't any
>>> components for the Pool and Optional libraries. How can I add them, or
>>> does an administrator have to add new components? (I just picked two at
>>> random; there may be other Boost libraries without a component list entry.)
>> There are others, we talked about some of them last week. Problem is
>> that I need people to log into Trac at least once for me to have a
>> maintainer to assign to new components. You can see the users that have
>> logged in here <> along with
>> their name if they fill it out in the "Settings". You can also see the
>> current set of components, and their maintainers at
>> <>.
> Hmmm. We could create a "dummy" maintainer for these libraries. Even
> once people log into the Trac, some library maintainers have been absent
> for a long time...

Here are some more issues:

* Spirit has many maintainers. The proper recipient would be the
   spirit-devel list (spirit-devel -at-

* I see that I can simply set up a thunderbird filter to forward to
   that address when I receive a Trac ticket email. Alas, there's
   no reliable way to detect a Trac ticket message. The title:
   [Boost C++ Libraries]... is non-descriptive enough. Rene is
   looking for way to add the library name to the email title.
   If all goes well, this trick should do it. But it's useful for
   other purposes as well (e.g. organizing your inbox).

* Some libraries have multiple maintainers. For example, Fusion
   is maintained by Dan Marsden, Tobias and me. Can a certain
   set of maintainer have their own identity on the maintainer list
   and can Trac be setup to fire emails to all maintainers of a
   specific group?


Joel de Guzman

Boost list run by bdawes at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at