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From: Peters, Richard (richard.peters_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-08-08 09:36:09

Hello all,

The company I'm working for is using Boost for a year now, and we're very happy that we started using it. I would like to submit an entry to the Who's using Boost page, for the "In House Boost" section:

Océ-Technologies B.V.

Throughout the world Océ is one of the major suppliers of document management and printing systems and the related services. We develop, manufacture, service and sell printers, scanners, peripheral equipment and media, supported by unique software. Océ products for the corporate and commercial market are widely known for their quality, ease of use, speed and reliability.

"The Boost libraries enable us to get a higher degree of uniformity and quality in our code. During a redesign last year we found that lots of small constructions from Boost shortens development time and prevents having to reinvent many wheels. Libraries that we use include assign, date_time, enable_if, filesystem, format, function, iterators, multi_index, operators, optional, pointer_container, signals, smart_ptr, thread, and variant."
URL to our website:

Best regards,
Richard Peters

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