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Boost :

From: Rene Rivera (grafikrobot_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-08-09 12:05:45

If any of you follow the wxWidgets dev list you might have noticed they
are thinking of changing doc format. I pointed out BoostBook as a
possibility. Obviously they would like to see non-Boost uses of
BoostBook. So I'm asking the wonderfully varied Boost user community...

* Do you use BoostBook in some way?
* If so, could you provide an example of how you use it?

If you want I can find a place in our growing list of Boost users

-- Grafik - Don't Assume Anything
-- Redshift Software, Inc. -
-- rrivera/ - grafik/
-- 102708583/icq - grafikrobot/aim - grafikrobot/yahoo

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