Boost : |
From: Larry Evans (cppljevans_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-08-10 21:44:39
On 08/09/2007 04:10 PM, shunsuke wrote:
> FWIW, oven(http://tinyurl.com/2axp2l) implemented that. :-)
In .html file:
For any Pipable Object p the following must be met:
* x|p(x1,..,xN) is a valid expression if and only if
make_p(x, x1,..xN) is a valid expression.
If p is actually, my_p, does this mean make_p in the above
constraint is actually make_my_p? I ask because, otherwise,
I don't see why there's any need to mention p(x1,...,xN).
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