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From: Larry Evans (cppljevans_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-08-15 08:17:07

On 08/15/2007 07:11 AM, Larry Evans wrote:
> On another matter. I'm wondering where the executables are placed.
> I found the .o files with find:
> cd ~/prog_dev/boost-svn/ro/sandbox-branches/boost-cmake/
> find . -name \*.o
> ./build/tools/build/CMake/CompileTest/CMakeFiles/compile.dir/home/evansl/prog_dev/boost-svn/ro/sandbox-branches/boost-cmake/src/libs/mpl/test/copy.o
> /build/tools/build/CMake/CompileTest/CMakeFiles/compile.dir/home/evansl/prog_dev/boost-svn/ro/sandbox-branches/boost-cmake/src/libs/mpl/test/front.o
One other thing: The directory names shown by the output of find above
don't indicate which compiler was used. Bjam does this so that
different (and I assume incompatible ) compiler .o files won't be linked
together. Is this on the todo list or is there some other way to
emulate this bjam safety measure?

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