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From: Douglas Gregor (dgregor_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-08-17 10:17:43

Larry Evans wrote:
> So I looked at the iostreams test/Jamfile.v2 which showed
> regex_filter_test requiring boost_regex:
> [ test-iostreams
> regex_filter_test.cpp
> /boost/regex//boost_regex ]
> The corresponding line in iostreams test/CMakeLists.txt has:
> boost_test_run(regex_filter_test
> DEPENDS boost_unit_test_framework boost_regex
> but, apparently, the DEPENDS in the above boost_test_run macro
> call does not cause boost_regex library to be built and loaded
> to create the iostreams regex_filter_test.
> Anyone have any suggestions about how to solve this?
It's a known problem in boost-cmake. The way to fix it is to change how
we handle BOOST_REGEX (library-selection option) and BOOST_STATIC
(feature-selection option). It's probably not a huge change, but it has
to be done in tools/build/CMake/BoostCore.cmake.

The reason we haven't send out an announcement that the Boost-CMake
system is ready for use is that, well, it isn't ready for prime-time
yet. It handles the user-centric use cases well: building all of Boost,
installing Boost, building binary packages, regression testing all of
Boost. We haven't put much effort into more developer-centric uses,
e.g., running tests for a single library.

    - Doug

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