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From: Darren Garvey (lists.drrngrvy_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-08-19 15:38:24

Hi Peter,

On 19/08/07, Peter Foley <peter_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> <snip>
> 1. I know you have a section on "Server Support" (which seems
> to be a placeholder atm) but which web servers have you tested this
> with? Have you only tried this with apache? Is the library code
> portable?

I have access to apache 1.3.*/2.* and lighttpd 1.4.*/1.5.* on windows,
cygwin and linux, but I haven't been testing on all of them yet since there
are more fundamental things that need to be done first. :-(

2. Somewhat related to the above if the library code is
> portable will the FASTCGI support you are building in only support pipes
> or will it also support TCP sockets? The reason I am asking is that
> IIS7 will be providing support for the FASTCGI protocol (see
> for more info).

Currently Boost.Asio doesn't support pipes, so this library won't either, so
it uses TCP sockets. It's undecided whether, when pipe support comes about,
the use of the two will be a run-time or compile-time choice. Over the
summer the leaning has changed from run- to compile-time, but this is


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