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From: Manuel Fiorelli (manuel.fiorelli_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-08-23 11:57:27

I tried EventHandler library and I found a couple of errors.
At beginning of sample/main.cpp there is

#include "..\event_handler.hpp"
#include "test_class.hpp"

but it should be

#include <boost/EventHandler.hpp>
#include "TestClass.hpp"

supposing you compile the example with

g++ main.cpp -I path-to-event-handler

>From the boost guidelines:
"File and directory names must contain only *lowercase* ASCII letters ,
numbers, underscores, and a period. Leading character must be alphabetic.
Maximum length 31. Only a single period is permitted. These requirements
ensure file and directory names are relatively portable."
thus you should rename your header.

I think you should put your class in boost namespace.

In the documentation the title is wrong and in the example the constructor
of lonely_class is private (thus you couldn't instantiate it in main)

I haven't ever use .Net framework but in general signals/slots and events
could live together: indeed, even in Qt there are both.
After a short reading, it seems to me that your library performs synchronous
function calls: shouldn't events be asynchronous??

Best regards,
Manuel Fiorelli

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