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From: Andrew Sutton (asutton_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-08-31 09:36:20

>> Besides, the person
>> working on Boost docs for IBD was me.
> I should have known that :)

Well, the docs aren't exactly the most visible in the world - they're
buried in my SoC directory - and for some reason, I can't build them

> Sure. The one major improvement that we're working on in the pBGL
> that's
> also useful for the BGL is the "named vertices" extension to
> graphs. The
> basic idea is very simple: if the vertex property somehow contains a
> "name" buried inside it, we can use that name as an alternative way to
> refer to the vertex. For example, say we have a City structure that we
> attach to each vertex:

> The graph handles the mapping from names like "Indianapolis" to vertex
> descriptors, even adding vertices when no such vertex exists (as is
> the
> case for "Cincinatti").
> How many times have users had to create and maintain an
> std::map<std::string, vertex_descriptor> to do this same thing? Too
> many, in my opinion.

How true :) That's a great idea. It sounds like the approach is
actually similar to my idea for weighted graphs, albeit for a very
different purpose. I think there are a couple of nice concepts in
here somewhere.

I'd actually like to take a whack at getting some of this work
started. I may even be able to find a couple of other students who
would be willing to help (it's a strong maybe). If you're interested,
I can create a branch in the sandbox and start writing up a laundry

Andrew Sutton

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