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From: Fei Liu (feiliu_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-08-31 11:06:55

Doug Gregor wrote:
> Hello fellow Boosters,
> The need for an extensible, complete open-source C++ parser has been
> discussed on Boost over the years. There are myriad projects that
> parse approximations to C++ suitable for specific tasks (e.g.,
> documentation generation), but there has never been a community
> project meant to handle all of C++ or serve as a common platform for
> new C++ tools. That is going to change, and I hope Boost will be
> involved.
> Apple has begun development of "Clang", which aims to be a high-
> quality C/C++ parser and compiler. Clang is designed as a library for
> C++ tools, from IDE-supported tools like indexing, searching, and
> refactoring to documentation tools, static checkers, and a full C++
> front end to the Low Level Virtual Machine (LLVM). LLVM is an
> advanced, open-source compiler infrastructure supporting all of the
> back-end functionality needed for a C++ compiler. Like LLVM, Clang is
> written in a modern C++ style, with a clean separation between the
> different phases of translation in C++ (lexical analysis, parsing,
> semantic analysis, lowering, code generation, etc.), all of which
> make Clang a pleasure to work with.
> Clang is still in the early stages of development. At present, it
> parses and type-checks most of C, with code generation for some
> simple constructs. C++ support is not available yet, but Apple has
> dedicated significant resources to making Clang a successful C++
> parser and compiler.
> That said, Clang needs our help. Collectively, Boost developers have
> more knowledge about and a deeper understanding of C++ than any other
> community within C++. We have the C++ expertise to help implement the
> language well, and the library-design savvy to help build powerful,
> accessible interfaces that simplify the task of building new and
> improved tools for C++. The Clang team is asking for help
> implementing C and C++ features and are very open to new contributors.
> Clang has the potential to be a top-notch, open-source C++ compiler
> and tool platform, from which we would all benefit. Let's help Clang
> get there sooner!
> Links:
> Clang:
> Steve Naroff's talk motivating Clang:
> - Video:
> - Slides:
> Clang announcement:
> July/009817.html
> Cheers,
> Doug
> _______________________________________________
> Unsubscribe & other changes:
Sounds promising, but here:
[root_at_maple clang]# make -j3
Makefile:4: ../../Makefile.common: No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target `../../Makefile.common'. Stop.
[root_at_maple clang]# ls
AST clang.xcodeproj docs include Lex Makefile
NOTES.txt README.txt test www
Basic CodeGen Driver INPUTS LICENSE.TXT ModuleInfo.txt
Parse Sema TODO.txt
[root_at_maple clang]# find -name Makefile.common
[root_at_maple clang]#

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