Boost : |
From: Marshall Clow (marshall_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-09-06 10:23:47
[ 205 open bugs today, 207 yesterday ]
If you are maintaining a library, and have not logged into the trac system
at <http://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/>, please do so ASAP. Until you do that,
no tickets can be assigned to you, and will remain under "None".
Instructions on working with tickets can be found at:
and a mapping of user names to "real names" can be found at:
17 doug_gregor
16 ramey
15 grafik
14 dgregor
12 az_sw_dude
10 rogeeff
8 johnmaddock
8 djowel
8 dave
8 None
7 turkanis
7 jsiek
6 nesotto
6 agurtovoy
5 anthonyw
4 witt
4 vladimir_prus
4 shammah
4 samuel_krempp
4 <Blank>
3 pdimov
3 jbandela
3 igaztanaga
3 fcacciola
3 danielw
3 bemandawes
2 urzuga
2 nasonov
2 jmaurer
2 hubert_holin
2 hkaiser
2 ebf
1 t_schwinger
1 speedsnail
1 samuel_k
1 pavol_droba
1 mistevens
1 dlwalker
1 aaron_windsor
<Blank> 1033 iostreams::restrict doesn't work on an iostreams::file_source
<Blank> 1070 [iostreams]boost\iostreams\copy.hpp line80 copy_impl
<Blank> 823 Seekable file_descriptor_source /sink?
None 1068 Mersenne twister disables streaming for Visual C++
None 1094 Finding the correct library to link (feature request for
pkg-config support)h
None 1184 property_tree assignment (operator) bug
None 1187 bcp copy not needed files
None 1222 lambda::ret<T> should declare result_type.
None 1230 mbstate uninitialized
None 960 [random] lognormal_distribution problem
None 991 [pool]
aaron_windsor 778 top-level configure is broken
agurtovoy 1001 gcc 4.1.2 segfaults on mpl/test/apply.cpp
agurtovoy 1051 MPL header ordering triggers bug
agurtovoy 1099 unable to iterate through a "non-explicitly-declared" mpl::set
agurtovoy 1215 Boost 1.34.1_ mpl: Wrong workaround detection using
MinGW32 (or.hpp_ line #33)
agurtovoy 588 mpl::remove compile error with gcc 4.1.0
agurtovoy 640 documentation mistake
anthonyw 1154 tss destruction segfaults in conjunction with dlopen/dlclose
anthonyw 1168 [thread] tss crashes randomly
anthonyw 1226 macro TEXT() in GetProcAddress()
anthonyw 876 xtime documentation incomplete
anthonyw 881 errors when build with Apache stdcxx
az_sw_dude 1028 typo in boost header: date_time/time_defs.hpp
az_sw_dude 1078 from_iso_string cannot read the output from to_iso_string
az_sw_dude 1098 Urgent libboost-date-time1.33.1 : bugs on ia64 ?
az_sw_dude 1147 date_time library contains global #define ERROR
az_sw_dude 1160 warning: month_format shadows a member of this
az_sw_dude 1162 warning: ticks shadows a member of this
az_sw_dude 287 wrong usage of ios_base::narrow
az_sw_dude 316 date_time type conversion warning
az_sw_dude 604 from_ftime incorrectly processes FILETIME filled with zeros
az_sw_dude 642 operator<< for gregorian::date_duration not found
az_sw_dude 889 Insane Dependencies
az_sw_dude 890 date_time library supports only the current dst rule
bemandawes 559 linker error mingw 3.4.5
bemandawes 752 directory_iterator doesn't work with catch
bemandawes 897 exists() throws exeption on existing but locked file on wind
danielw 1044 Argument pack inaccessable in a functions return type
danielw 1054 Parameter takes an "infinite" amount of time to compile
with the Intel compiler.
danielw 1097 keyword.hpp generates many warnings C4180: qualifier
applied to function type has no meaning; ignored
dave 1010 linking boost.python on freebsd
dave 1019 iterator_facade::pointer should be the return type of
operator-> (DR 445)
dave 1085 Python rules for compiling in Mac OS X
dave 1096 Tutorial needs updating for BBv2
dave 1179 [boost.python] can not export a union in VC2005sp1
dave 1181 [boost.python] can modify enum value
dave 865 Use of C++0x keyword as identifier
dave 910 gcc strict-aliasing problems with python
dgregor 1002 [iostreams] close_impl<closable_tag> does not comply with spec
dgregor 1003 [iostreams] copy-paste error in typedefs for wchar
dgregor 1011 amd64: #error Boost.Numeric.Interval: Please specify
rounding control mechanism.
dgregor 1124 ./configure failed on cygwin
dgregor 1139 [iostreams] Regex filter segfaults when zero matches found
dgregor 1140 boost::iostreams linked_streambuf bug
dgregor 1149 Minor doc error in basic_null_device
dgregor 1164 Floyd Warshall broken with unsigned edge weights
dgregor 1185 iostreams::direct_streambuf<T_Tr>::is_open always
returns false if output iterator is not null
dgregor 1192 [boostbook] problem when two files have the same name
dgregor 1199 configure doesn't work with path containing whitespaces (MacOS X)
dgregor 1218 Boostbook error when generating documentation for a
member typedef with a description
dgregor 1232 mapped_file_source::is_open() is broken under windows
dgregor 556 Bundled graph properties
djowel 1170 Emit Warnings instead of # symbols in the syntax highlighter
djowel 1171 Quickbook title output
djowel 1172 non-utf
djowel 1176 Space after inline code
djowel 1206 Escaping from within code?
djowel 241 Miss " = ParserT()"
djowel 314 spirit insert_key_actor.hpp
djowel 664 crash in boost::spirit::parse
dlwalker 613 boost/crc.hpp uses non-standard conforming syntax
doug_gregor 1021 [Graph][reverse_graph] Problem using reverse_graph
adapter with an adapted user defined graph
doug_gregor 1067 Function needs to use pass-by-reference internally
doug_gregor 1076 compile error: disconnecting struct with
operator()() doesn't work in VS2005 SP1
doug_gregor 375 LEDA graph adaptors do not handle hidden nodes properly
doug_gregor 402 random_vertex/random_edge are unnecessarily inefficient
doug_gregor 403 Document copy_component
doug_gregor 447 reverse_graph and constness of property maps
doug_gregor 708 Dijkstra no_init version should not require VertexListGraph
doug_gregor 732 Johnson All-Pairs needs better "no path" information
doug_gregor 733 Numbered headers don't work with "preferred" syntax
doug_gregor 735 Fruchterman-Reingold grid performance can be improved
doug_gregor 736 Const correctness violation
doug_gregor 738 Memory leaks with signal::connect?
doug_gregor 829 Implicit graph not implement
doug_gregor 852 Problem with Boost and GCC 4.1
doug_gregor 891 Bunch of compilation error reported while using function.hpp
doug_gregor 954 boost::dynamic_properties has no copy-constructor
ebf 965 [doc] boost::variant tutorial - final example uses v1_v2
should be seq1_seq2
ebf 993 Variant should use least common multiple of alignments_
rather than maximum
fcacciola 1217 value_initialized leaves data uninitialized_ when using MSVC
fcacciola 617 Numeric Conversion Documentation minor bug
fcacciola 818 No zero-argument in_place()
grafik 1023 inspect
grafik 1041 Cygwin requires PATH setting.
grafik 1062 Cygwin install stage fails with combination of patches
grafik 1128 boost-buil rule does not overrule BOOST_BUILD_PATH
grafik 1135 bjam crashes
grafik 1146 KAI Referenced in compiler status acknowledgements
grafik 1233 Boost website still refers to CVS
grafik 431 boost jam problem with parallel builds
grafik 546 boost.build needs fixes for HP/UX
grafik 616 Boost Jam_ and non english directorys
grafik 721 Generated files "@()" don't work in regular expressions.
grafik 896 <native-wchar_t>off does not work when build with vc-8.0
grafik 959 linking fails when Boost is compiled with STLport 5.1.* on
Linux (names mismatch)
grafik 977 bjam crashes when compiled with gcc 4.2
grafik 986 Problem building Python modules on boost 1.34.0
hkaiser 1077 Spirit integer parser does not always detect integer overflow
hkaiser 1079 boost-1.34.0 fails to compile. concept checks not satisfied.
hubert_holin 162 Cannot compile octonion_test.cpp because of bug in sinc.hpp
hubert_holin 647 octonion documentation bug
igaztanaga 1080 boost::interprocess win32 global file mapping issue
igaztanaga 1210 interprocess::barrier hangs during second use under
linux (boost 1.33.1)
igaztanaga 1231 interprocess_condition (emulated) hangs after notify_all().
jbandela 283 Compiler error for tokenizer on Solaris
jbandela 501 token_iterator::at_end() result is inversed
jbandela 665 bug in char_separator
jmaurer 351 Diff in state of mersenne_twister gen between GCC3.41 & CW9
jmaurer 819 uniform_int<> with type's maximum availaible range error
johnmaddock 1008 Undocumented type traits.
johnmaddock 1081 Empty string rejected as perl-style regex
johnmaddock 1083 boost_regex 1.34.0 uses ICU library without linking to it
johnmaddock 1130 GCC -wundef warnings
johnmaddock 1148 boost_1_34_1 regex library compile failure on aix with xlv
johnmaddock 1216 problems compiling template class using is_class and
johnmaddock 492 Adding boost::is_complex to type_traits.hpp
johnmaddock 883 errors when build with Apache stdcxx
jsiek 416 Spelling of Edmonds-Karp-Algorithm
jsiek 575 Calling subgraph::global_to_local on a root graph
jsiek 636 strange compiling problem for transitive_closure
jsiek 813 concept_check.hpp unused variable warning
jsiek 815 remove_edge core dumps on self-circle
jsiek 875 No iterator based constructor for adjacency_matrix
jsiek 900 graphml reader namespace handling is broken
mistevens 688 ublas: bug in mapped_vector_of_mapped_vector
nasonov 1220 lexical_cast requires RTTI
nasonov 754 boost::any - typeid comparison across shared boundaries
nesotto 1145 Small bugs in Boost.Range documentation
nesotto 471 boost.range and "const char[]".
nesotto 518 [Boost.Range]boost::const_begin calls non-qualified 'begin'
nesotto 723 local_time_facet error in VS2005 Win2003
nesotto 730 The ptr_map iterator cannot be dereference to value type
nesotto 807 boost::assignment documentation: mathematical "typo"
pavol_droba 1152 rle_example fails
pdimov 1106 shared_ptr<T> should not convert to shared_ptr<U> when T*
doesn't convert to U*
pdimov 1108 shared_ptr does not compile under g++ with -fno-rtti
pdimov 997 error in boost::bind doc
ramey 1036 assert failure in oserializer.hpp:418
ramey 1038 "<" and ">" should be excaped in xml_oarchive
ramey 1086 Serialization of weak_ptr produces invalid XML
ramey 1089 missing boost::serialization::make_nvp in pointer container library
ramey 1121 xml_archive_exception is missing seperate header file_ and
documentation mismatch
ramey 1137 Virtual destructor is missing
ramey 1141 Dangerious operator<< for wostream
ramey 1142 boost/serialization/optional doesn't include necessary header
ramey 1143 Archive headers appear to be missing multiple(?) include files
ramey 1223 boost::serialization chokes on correcly formatted empty XML element
ramey 1229 [GCC] compiler warning: comparison between signed and
unsigned integer expressions
ramey 757 xml serialization fails when using namespace
ramey 878 error C2039: 'mbstate_t' : is not a member of 'std'
ramey 961 boost::basic_binary_oprimitive not instantiated correctly
ramey 968 xml_grammar - incorrect define char
ramey 969 basic_binary_iprimitive::load_binary bug
rogeeff 1030 execution_monitor.ipp #warning directive breaks
compilation on MSVC 8.0
rogeeff 1032 typo in Boost.Test documentation
rogeeff 1050 BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_FRACTION documentation missing
rogeeff 1060 no example sources in online docs for Boost::Test
rogeeff 1212 Template fixtures
rogeeff 607 Log level names wrong in documentation
rogeeff 842 typo in auto_unit_test.hpp Revision 1.17
rogeeff 893 grammatical error in error message
rogeeff 956 Doc error in test examples.
rogeeff 962 Missing links in Test library documentation
samuel_k 585 64 bit compile warning/error for boost::format
samuel_krempp 1195 patch: boost/format/parsing.hpp does not compile
samuel_krempp 1196 Patch: when BOOST_NO_STD_LOCALE is not defined_
boost/format/internals.hpp fails to compile.
samuel_krempp 704 format zero length string msvc-8
samuel_krempp 859 boost::format ignores a user defined locale
shammah 284 pool::purge_memory() does not reset next_size
shammah 290 perfomance: memory cleanup for pool takes too long
shammah 386 boost::pool_allocator breaks with vector of vectors
shammah 88 ct_gcd_lcm.hpp compilation error
speedsnail 1138 Problems with TSS and static thread library
t_schwinger 1100 Building boost.function_types fails cvs rev-1.1_ no
chdir command in bash
turkanis 525 problem with boost::iostreams when compiled with Visual C++
turkanis 699 Changing size of memory-mapped file on Windows
turkanis 786 bug in iostreams/copy.hpp line 81
turkanis 791 iostreams::tee_filter is for output only
turkanis 817 Performance problem in iostreams
turkanis 822 Incorrect usage of bad_write()_ bad_seek() etc.
turkanis 856 iostreams file_descriptor::write fails under Win32
urzuga 574 [boost::lambda] Compile error with libstdc++ debug mode
urzuga 781 Lambda: (_1 + "y")(string("x")) Doesn't Compile
vladimir_prus 1165 more quoting problems
vladimir_prus 1228 bug in toolset gcc + HP/UX PA-RSIC
vladimir_prus 469 multitoken broken
vladimir_prus 689 [program_options] Endless loop with long default arguments
witt 1046 Boost.Python quickstart instructions mention nonexistent target
witt 834 Homepage regression links
witt 957 The "Getting Started" page does not mention the stdlib option
witt 973 zip_iterator has value_type == reference
-- -- Marshall Marshall Clow Qualcomm, Inc. <mailto:mclow_at_[hidden]> The famous British scientist, Lord Kelvin, said: "When you measure what you are speaking about and express it in numbers, you know something about it, but when you cannot (or do not) measure it, when you cannot (or do not) express it in numbers, then your knowledge is of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind."
Boost list run by bdawes at acm.org, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk