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From: Hans Meine (meine_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-09-07 09:49:15

Am Freitag, 07. September 2007 14:32:21 schrieb John Maddock:
> So... in response to a bug-report I recently changed it to method 2 (on
> Linux anyway), using the same configuration logic as STLport to determine
> what "some_directory" is called. Having tested it locally with several gcc
> versions on Linux everything seemed fine... except it's not: the problem is
> that gcc has a configuration option that lets you change the name of the
> directory the headers go in, and several Linux distro's change it from the
> default, so instead of being the normal default of something like "4.2.0"
> it's g++-v4 or something else that we can't automatically deduce :-(

Note that "giving up" would mean relying on distro maintainers that change the
GCC include path to also patch boost in order to find these headers.

As a side note from the one who reported the bug and already spent too much
time thinking about it: I am using Gentoo, which already patches STLport to
find the headers - citing from

> src_compile() {
> cat <<- EOF >> stlport/stl/config/user_config.h
> #define _STLP_NATIVE_INCLUDE_PATH ../g++-v$(gcc-major-version)

Alas, they do not do so for boost yet, which is why the following simple
program does not compile on stock Gentoo with GCC 4.1.2 and boost-1.34.1

#include <boost/tr1/tuple.hpp>
int main()
    return 0;


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