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From: Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve (rwgk_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-09-14 10:38:17

Hi Niels, > Thanks for reporting the ICE caused by the MSVC workaround I committed > last week! My apologizes! I didn't know about this issue. The ICE did > not occur when doing the unit tests (value_init_test.cpp). The Boost.Python unit tests are also fine. Even most of our real code compiles with the svn head as is. Only about 20 of our 60 or so extensions fail with the ICE. > Your patch: > > Simply inlining get() didn't work. The ICE only went away > > after I changed (*static_cast<T*>(ptr)).T::~T() > > to > > static_cast<T*>(ptr)->T::~T() > > Does the ICE also occur when using the destructor of the other base > class, const_T_base? If so, it would need a similar patch. I don't know. I just played around for a couple of minutes until the ICE went away. > I will take a closer look later today, or otherwise tomorrow. And I'll > contact Fernando Cacciola, the creator and maintainer of the file. If you want to reproduce the problem, I could point you to the sources. But I think it would be a bit too much effort since the problem is resolved so easily, and it is just a workaround in a workaround... Ralf ____________________________________________________________________________________ Be a better Heartthrob. Get better relationship answers from someone who knows. Yahoo! Answers - Check it out.

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