Boost : |
From: Richard Newman (richard_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-12-04 16:06:03
I know that sometime ago before the release of 1.34 that Asio was
accepted as a Boost library, but I've lost track of its status. It
doesn't appear in the boost.org libraries documentation (at least not in
the main page of http://www.boost.org/libs/libraries.htm) or in the
boost distribution.
We've been on boost 1.33 with an older snapshot of asio's source. We're
looking to update to boost 1.34.1 which is not playing nice with our
older snapshot.
I know we can go to asio.sourceforge to update the snapshot, but is
there an official "supported"/released version of Asio we're supposed to
use with the formal 1.34.1 boost release? We don't want to just drop in
some recent not-ready-for-prime-time intermediate version, but one that
we can reasonably trust as verified with 1.34.1. In essence, we want to
have our use of Asio in line with however it is best aligned with how
Boost intends to bring it in.
Are there non-Boost, non-Asio dependencies required for such a version?
We're also trying to limit the bounds of non-Boost libraries we include.
Is there a committed time table for releasing (and documenting) Asio as
a first class citizen in Boost's release, so we don't have to reach
outside of Boost's formal release process?
Please feel free to direct me to another thread if this has recently
been discussed elsewhere.
Richard Newman
richard <at> cdres <dot> com
Boost list run by bdawes at acm.org, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk