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From: Paul A Bristow (pbristow_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-12-12 18:16:35

>-----Original Message-----
>From: boost-bounces_at_[hidden]
>[mailto:boost-bounces_at_[hidden]] On Behalf Of Hugo Duncan
>Sent: 12 December 2007 22:22
>To: boost_at_[hidden]
>Subject: Re: [boost] [rfc] Quadrature library for numerical
>integration ofdefinite integrals
>I have uploaded a new version that uses argument chaining.

Even Nicer ;-)

This looks a significant bit of work - definitely 'boostable' IMO ;-)

It will mean we are really *starting* to get our numerical act together.

Did you notice any improvement in compile time by using argument chaining?


PS Warning: C++ Purists may choke and splutter at finding some F**tran code in an .hpp file, but it's essential documentation from
the 'bottomless pit of working subroutines'.

PPS Of course it would even nicer with a templated RealType - but don't panic - version 2...

Paul A Bristow
Prizet Farmhouse, Kendal, Cumbria UK LA8 8AB
+44 1539561830 & SMS, Mobile +44 7714 330204 & SMS
PS A Typo jumped out at me
std::cout << "integtral(x/log(x)) on [0,1] is " << answer

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