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From: Richard Webb (richard.webb_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-12-15 08:21:39

John Maddock <john <at>> writes:

> I'll add some #pragma's to Boost.Format to reduce the warning noise:
> otherwise the instantiation stack trace is so verbose you miss any important
> warnings.

If you're looking at silencing warnings from Format, is there any chance you
could look at ? It can produce some
pretty substantial warnings as well.

On another note (and i apologize for the noise in advance if i'm making things
up here) - when i looked at the call stack for the warnings, i noticed

void raise_error(const char* function, const char* message, const T& val)
  if(function == 0)
       function = "Unknown function";
  msg += (boost::format(function) % typeid(T).name()).str();

in math\error_handling.hpp
Does that need to be something like
       function = "Unknown function %1%";
For the format call to work?

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