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From: Steve M. Robbins (steve_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-12-25 18:23:27

On Sun, Dec 23, 2007 at 07:41:48PM -0500, Gennadiy Rozental wrote:

> I always find it confusing: why would you want to support both static and
> shared libraries? Pick one more convinient for you and stick with it. It's
> not like you need to test your test module with all variants of Boost.Test
> framework. It's your own test, not the test for the UTF. All in all I find
> an effort for simultanious support for both static and shared variant of the
> UTF a bit misguided.

OK. So reading this, I have the following question. Suppose I'm
writing a nifty library and distributing the source code. I write
unit tests using Boost.Test.

Now I distribute my code -- together with the tests. Someone else
builds my code on their system and runs the tests. I have no
control over their install of Boost: they might have static libs,
shared libs, or both. Can I write my unit tests so that they
link and run in all three cases?


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