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From: dan marsden (danmarsden_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-12-27 09:11:41

Giovanni Piero Deretta wrote: > shunsuke wrote: >> BTW, I'm tempted to rename Egg to Boost.Functor. I'd suggest avoiding Functor as a name. Functor has specific meaning in the functional programming community, which is not consistent with what Egg delivers. >What about Boost.Functional (already taken?) or >Boost.FunctionAdapters, or, my favourite, >Boost.FunctionObjectsOnSteroid :). Or just keep Egg, is simple and >there is precendent for non descriptive names in boost. Personally I like the name Egg, it's short enough for a namespace name, and easy to remember. Boost.FunctionObjectsOnSteroid does have a certain something as well :) Cheers Dan __________________________________________________________ Sent from Yahoo! Mail - a smarter inbox

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