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From: John Torjo (john.groups_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-12-30 11:17:10

Hi all,

The Boost.Functional/Factory library, submitted by Tobias Schwinger has
been *accepted*. Thanks to all reviewers and to all who contributed
before the review!

We've received 3 reviews, all positive: Larry Evans, Stejan Rajko, and
Detlef Wilkening*.

*Suggested improvements
*- Allocator should be inherited

*- should include some hint about how to overcome the Lvalue constraint
on the arguments that's mentioned in the docs:
   a0...aN - argument LValues to a constructor of T
- separate the two templates (factory and value_factory) a little bit
more in the introduction so that it reinforces that they are different
in usage
- better motivation
- more detailed examples

* note: I consider Detlef's review positive, even though he wanted 3
extensions (in light of Tobias's answer):
- Better name for factory: factory_ptr or factory_pointer.
- Better motivation for beginners in the docu.
- Extension with a third template parameter for e.g. 2 phase construcion.


-- -- C++ expert
... call me only if you want things done right

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