Boost : |
From: Eric Niebler (eric_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-03-03 01:21:02
Larry Evans wrote:
> If the template arguments are grammars then shift_right<L,R>::type is
> not an expression type.
Correct, it's a grammar type.
> AFAICT, it's of no use.
That's not true. The fact that shift_right<L,R>::type creates
expressions when L and R are expressions, and grammars when L and R are
grammars, is an important symmetry that is leveraged extensively within
Proto. And what would the alternative be? To have two classes,
expression::shift_right<> that generates expression types, and
grammar::shift_right<> that creates grammar rules? This would surely be
worse for users. Why have two when one works just as well? Or are you
suggesting something else?
-- Eric Niebler Boost Consulting www.boost-consulting.com
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