Boost : |
From: John Femiani (JOHN.FEMIANI_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-03-05 11:55:52
>> Something that I miss very much is library for
>> multidimensional/spatial data structures.
>I strongly agree with this too. I often develop libraries that are related
>to 3D geometry, and I always end up regretting that there doesn't exist any
>somehow "standard" spatial data structure that wouldn't be related to any
>particular implementation or product. As a consequence it's very difficult
>in this domain to deliver libraries that are really portable and easily
What are we talking about-- Meshes? Trees? Didn't somebody work on a half-edge mesh last summer?
I personally would love it if somebody would work on interval range trees or kd trees etc. as well as meshes that work with BGL.
Hopefully these can avoid the boost minefield relating to 'point' types because trees only work on coordinates (no need to intepret them as "points" per se), and meshes are entirely topological.
I bet these could be two different projects.
-- John Femiani
Boost list run by bdawes at acm.org, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk