Boost : |
From: Bruno Lalande (bruno.lalande_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-03-06 05:34:27
> > Hopefully these can avoid the boost minefield relating to 'point' types
> because trees only work on coordinates (no need to intepret them as "points"
> per se), and meshes are entirely topological.
> I don't see anything wrong with a CartesianCoordinateConcept that
> requires x(), y(), z() along with typedefs or something to that
> effect. I think the consensus that was reached with the "point"
> discussion is that too many people want too many different things out
> of a generic point class, but the algorithms are concerned with very
> few details of the point class, mainly just "expose x, y, and z, and
> the types of each" - so don't try to make the perfect generic point
> class, let people use their own. Just provide algorithms that will
> work with their point classes, as well as the default (very basic)
> point class provided by the library.
This is exactly what I think too. The lack is not about the structure
(everybody has one and is happy with it) but the algebra applied to them
(everybody reinvents the wheel on his own structure). Just one point:
requiring named accessors (x(), y(), z()) would bind us to a specific number
of dimensions. One very common need is to be dimension-agnostic. In terms of
structure we already have that : Boost.Tuple. So the idea would be to have
your CartesianCoordinateConcept requiring templated accessors get<0>(),
get<1>(), etc... instead, this way the algorithms could work by default on
Boost list run by bdawes at acm.org, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk