Boost : |
From: Larry Evans (cppljevans_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-03-12 07:10:10
On 03/11/08 22:42, Max Motovilov wrote:
> I apologize in advance if something along these lines is already
> available; however current public documentation doesn't mention such a
> facility and a brief glance into SVN did not reveal one either...
> product_view
> Description: provides a view of a Cartesian product of multiple
> sequences. Modeled after zip_view in that it expects a sequence [of
> length n] of sequences S1...Sn as its argument and lazily generates a
> sequence [of length Prod{1...n}( size< Si > )] of sequences
> S1[1]...Sn[1] through S1[n]...Sn[n]. Whew... I know I can write better
> documentation than that if I put my mind to it :(
From Prod[1..n}(size<Si>} it appears this just flattens a list 1 level.
< list< A0_0, A0_1>
, list< A1_0, A1_1>
, list< An_0, An_1.
it produces:
< A0_0, A0_1
, A1_0, A1_1
, An_0, An_1
Is that right?
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